Aesthetic face taping in cosmetology is a new worthy replacement for injections!
Athletes have long been familiar with these vibrant multi-colored ribbons.
Aesthetic taping as an independent procedure in cosmetology appeared relatively recently. Over the past few years, aesthetic taping has become a popular alternative to fillers, threads, botox. Someone equates this magical procedure with a surgical facelift.
What is the effectiveness of this method compared to traditional methods combating aging?
- Efficiency. With proper taping, you will see the result even after one procedure. The skin will lift up, swelling will disappear, fase tone will improve. With regular use, facial wrinkles will be smoothed out, face oval will improve, the nasolabial fold will decrease or disappear.
- Availability. The tape itself is relatively cheap. It is economically consumed and always at hand. By investing 1 time in training, you will acquire an effective way of rejuvenation for all your life.
- Safety. Unlike injections, taping is an absolutely physiological and safe procedure. Taping is used even in pediatrics. The only condition is the correct application of tape, high-quality tape and the absence of an allergic reaction to the adhesive substance of tape.
Our studio provides quality training with a professional!
You can study individually or in a small group, together with your friends and relatives.
Taking a tape once in your hands, you will never want to part with it!))