Aesthetic cosmetology in Prague!



A manual facial cleaning belongs to the basics of cosmetology and is not recognized by all modern beauticians and clients.

But if you suffer from acne and you have oily skin with comedones, then most likely you will not find a more effective procedure for your skin.

At first sight, manual cleaning seems to be a simple procedure and that there is nothing easier than "cleaning the face" at home yourself.

In fact, this is not true at all and such a procedure requires certain professional knowledge and skills. And it is carried out exclusively in cosmetic salon by an experienced specialist.

The main indication for manual facial cleansing is the comedonal form of acne. With the papulopustular form, preference is given to peeling, acid therapy, and phototherapy. Heavier forms of nodular and conglobate acne are treated only medically under the supervision of a dermatologist.

It is a mistake to believe that the problem of rashes on the face occurs only in adolescence. Unfortunately, people of all ages face this problem. If you do not suffer from acne and you do not have similar skin problems, we recommend more superficial and gentle treatment procedures, such as peeling, water dermabrasion, and photorejuvenation.

Stricktly prochibited to "squeeze out" blackheads at home! This can lead to serious complications and the spread of infection. Also often with self-extrusion, deep scars may remain. However, you will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it. The infection will spread.

After manual cleaning, redness may persist for several days, light exfoliation also. Our specialist will give recommendations for home care. If all the recommendations are followed, your skin will recover very quickly.

Manual face cleaning recommended not more often then once every several months.