Splitmassage is the author’s patented technique of Larisa Vitvinova for manual correction of age-related changes in the face, neck and décolleté area.
Some people call splitmassage manual plastic surgery, others - myofascial massage.
Splitmassage helps to restore the deep tissues of the face and neck without the use of plastic surgery and injections.
Splitmassage eliminates deep lymph congestion, relieves spasm of facial muscles, normalizes their tone and elasticity, eliminates malar undereye pads,
restores adipose tissue, and fights wrinkles. In a word, "returns facial tissue to its place."
Splitmassage is also an excellent prevention of aging.
Split massage returns the face to a younger form, redistributing adipose tissue and creating volumes characteristic of a younger age.
Improves complexion and smoothes enlarged pores, improves metabolic processes in the skin.
Splitmassage is a smart technique based on an individual approach to a client’s problem. This is not a memorized algorithm work.
Before starting work, a thorough diagnosis of the face is carried out, a diagnostic card is filled for each client, and an anamnesis is collected.
Splitmassage is a favorite procedure not only for women, but also for men.
Splitmassage recommended to take a course 5-15 procedures 1-2 times a week. The result is long, lasting several months.
Supporting splitmassage procedure at the request of the client every 3-4 weeks. In addition to splitmassage, intraoral massage, capping massage,
and undereye malar pads massage apply as needed.