Aesthetic cosmetology in Prague!


Microneedling Mesotherapy - a unique non-surgical technique of face and body rejuvenation.

МезотерапияFace without wrinkles – that is a dream of each woman.

What is the microneedling mesotherapy?

Microneedling Mesotherapy is an effective non-surgical technique based on an injection of a cocktail from vitamins, amino acids, minerals, homoeopathic remedies (depending on the problem) into the skin to the depth of 1mm/ 2 mm with the help of dermapen device and disposable needle cartrige. 

Mesotherapy is not an invention of our days. Yet 3 thousand years Before Christ, Hippocrates practiced a local intraskin injection of cactus needles in order to remove the pain in joints. And also in scientific works of later time, it is possible to find numerous mentions of different techniques which are a prototype of a modern mesotherapy.

Today  mesotherapy is widely applied in many areas of medicine as an independent method of treatment. And some years ago mesotherapy has found its place in the aesthetic medicine. In comparison with other methods, it has a number of clear advantages.

Mesotherapy in cosmetology

Number of indications for application of mesotherapy in the aesthetic medicine is wide enough:

Preventive maintenance and treatment of a photo- and age ageing of the skin

The most often reasons the patients come to a cosmetologist are an elimination of the first signs of withering of the skin and a delay of processes of ageing.

Year by year, the skin is exposed to many destroying factors which accelerate natural process of ageing. It is the solar light, changes of the hormonal background, harmful influence of the environment, consequence of the wrong way of life, etc.

Degenerate and dystrophic changes, which occur at ageing, touch all layers of the skin. Protective horn layer of the epidermis goes thin, structure and activity of the cells change, hydrolipidic mantle becomes emaciated. In derma, quantity fibroblasts decreases, their structure and activity change, synthesis of basic fibres of the skin and glycosaminoglycan decreases, numbers of defective collagenic fibres increases, cellular metabolism slows down, pigmentary exchange changes. Structure changes of the derma lead to occurrence of wrinkles, decrease of hydration, turgor, tone and elasticity. The fatty tissue migrates under the gravity and atony of the skin integument. As a result, face form changes, folds are formed. Face muscles mummify.

Mesotherapy is one of the most effective techniques of prevention of ageing and correction of age changes. After all, mesotherapy is a technique which allows a targeted administration of the active substances, choosing an exact destination: deep layers of the epidermis, derma, and hypoderm. Thus favorable conditions for stimulation of the cellular metabolism and regeneration of tissues are created in the deep layers of the skin.

For resolution of such a problem, the mesotherapist can use both separate preparations and specially developed “cocktails” which are intended specially for intraskin administration.

Preparations used the most often: